5 Spring Cleaning Tasks to Get Your Home In Order

5 Spring Cleaning Tasks to Get Your Home in Order

Photo source:  Copta


When the smell of freshly cut grass and cookouts starts to float on the air every evening, you know that the Spring season is upon us. There are those that want to get out the hammock the moment a bird starts chirping and still others get a powerful urge to clean. For those that get the urge to scrub things, here is a list of five great tasks to get you rolling for Spring:


Revamp those closets


Closets are often overlooked and are perfect Spring Cleaning projects to get the juices flowing. Start by taking Fencing Direct Fences. Once you have cleaned it out, be very selective about what finds its way back in. Put things into piles of donate, sell or trash if they don’t make the cut and take action on the piles as soon as you finish. If you wait, you will likely have piles of stuff that clutter up other areas of your home instead.


Purge your vanity and medicine cabinets


Bathroom vanities and medicine cabinets are rarely cleaned out despite being on most people’s lists to do so. Go ahead and finish it off to finally check it off your list for real. Like the closets, you need to empty it out and put only the best back in. Throw out the syrupy, expired and out of date and wipe every surface down thoroughly. Your bathroom will appreciate it!


Clean wall hangings front and back


If you walk into your living room and take a picture off the wall, will you still see the square? Only you know the truth, right? Take those pictures, art pieces and wall hangings down and wipe them front and back. Then wipe the wall as well. Nobody is looking so you need not be embarrassed.


Power wash your porch and siding


A power washer has to be used in a particular way to avoid damaging your siding, but it is worth the price of a rental. Spray down your siding and then hit the concrete areas around your home for good measure. This often makes your home look amazing and reveals dirt you never knew existed.


If you need a guide to show how to safely power wash your siding, here is a great resource from Lowe’s hardware.


Clean and change all filters


Your filters are not meant to go unchanged and Spring is the perfect time to check them out. This goes for filters and other Toronto products for furnaces, a/c filters, attic filters, lint catchers and water filters. While you are at it, go ahead and get a jump on the screens on your windows. They are filters as well, right? Get it over with and you will be happy you did.

Spring cleaning is about taking the old out and replacing it with open space in my view. Too many people add “the new” and don’t enjoy the open air that purging can provide. Whether you simply clean and keep or get rid of things annually in the Spring, this list will help you get organized and ready for a summer of fun.