by iGoBOGO | Jun 3, 2010 | Coupons, Featured, Grocery Deals, Print Coupons, Publix
Cooking With Kraft has some great new coupons out along with the old ones that are still there.You’ll find the following Kraft/Publix coupons on Cooking with Kraft right now:Save $1.00 on Potatoes when you buy Breakstone’s Sour CreamSave $1.00 on Publix...
by iGoBOGO | Jun 1, 2010 | Featured, Grocery Deals, Publix
This is an awesome savings week at Publix.  There are 12 stock up items at $1.00 or less! If you’re new to this be sure to read 7 things you need to know about shopping at Publix. Here are the deals: BOGO Deals Barber Foods Stuffed Chicken Breasts...
by iGoBOGO | May 25, 2010 | Featured, Grocery Deals, Publix
This is an awesome savings week at Publix.  There are 20 stock up items at $1.00 or less! If you’re new to this be sure to read 7 things you need to know about shopping at Publix. These Deals start with the new ad beginning on 5/26 or 5/27. Here are the...
by iGoBOGO | May 17, 2010 | Featured, Grocery Deals, Publix
There are lots of great deals at Publix this week! If you’re new to this be sure to read 7 things you need to know about shopping at Publix. Here are the deals: Meat & Produce Deals Whole Chicken $.99/lb Baby Cut & Peeled Carrots $1.20 for a 1lb bag...
by iGoBOGO | May 15, 2010 | Featured, Grocery Deals, Publix
There are some great deals at Publix this week! Keep reading to see some of the best deals! This isn’t complete yet, but as I have time I’ll update it throughout the weekend. If you’re new to this be sure to read 7 things you need to know about...
by iGoBOGO | May 11, 2010 | Featured, Grocery Deals, Publix
I was clipping coupons for a weekend shopping trip & noticed some coupons for $2.00 off on Sorrento Snack Cheese in the 5/2 Sunday Paper(SS). I clipped them hoping for a deal, and I did find one. They are on sale for $3.00 at Publix. I used the $2.00 off coupon to...